Not Eliza …. (Created by Midjourney)
That is the initial prompt/greeting from Eliza, the first official chatbot, created by MIT in 1966.
It has been 57 years since the launch of Eliza and by some estimates a half dozen "AI winters" since then. But we have arguably officially entered the golden age of AI, ushered in by an astounding run of developments in generative AI and Large Language Models.
It's happening fast.
<aside> 💡 Try a conversation with Eliza!
As an inception-stage venture capital firm, we work with bleeding-edge emerging technologies and crazy/brave founders who risk their careers to figure out what to do with them.
By virtue of that marriage, you can imagine the kind of requests for help we get from these early-stage companies - they run the gamut - but since late 2022 a key topic has been "what the hell do we do with this emerging GenAI thing?"
Thus, we in many ways find ourselves playing the role of therapist, like Eliza.
And thus; the reasoning behind this GenAI 101 - 1 Week Immersion Plan for Startups.
Bee Partners is a preSeed, deep tech venture capital firm based in San Francisco, California. A not-young firm at 14 years old and counting, we're on our fourth fund focusing (currently) on three investment vectors:
Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) - any technology interface that augments human potential and increases scalability with software-based machines.
Machine-to-Machine Learning (M2ML) - automation across past and future industries, and the interaction between technical and physical machines.
Biological Machines (BioM) technologies that will shape the future bioeconomy, from end products leveraging fermentation to tools helping scale those processes.